
The TechSoup Ambassador Program

Engage with a like-minded community.

The TechSoup Ambassador Program

The TechSoup Ambassador Program consists of active TechSoup Community members from within the TechSoup Community platforms (events, forums, social media), to boost the amplification of our reach, expand the edges of our network, help raise awareness for campaigns, collaborate, and promote events to other communities.

Interested in becoming a TechSoup Community Ambassador?

Provide your contact information below and we’ll be in touch.

Benefits of Becoming a TechSoup Ambassador


Expand exposure with a community dedicated to amplifying others’ content.


Get access to select TechSoup Courses.


Participate in a private, exclusive group with other Ambassadors that want to help support your mission.


Join monthly calls with the TechSoup team, with the opportunity to discuss collaborations and share your organization’s own updates.


Collaborate on projects with TechSoup, such as blog posts and webinars.