Nonprofit Validation Services

The Trusted Solution for Scalable Engagement with the Nonprofit Sector

Give confidently to nonprofits worldwide.

The TechSoup Global Network serves a community of over 1 million charities and NGOs with its nonprofit online marketplace and other programs. TechSoup is the only worldwide platform validating nonprofits in 236 countries and territories for our partners’ social impact, CSR, and philanthropy programs.

Why TechSoup Validation Services?


Maximize your social impact


Target specific nonprofit markets


Give confidently to valid NGOs


Leverage the TechSoup global marketplace

Our Clients

Trusting TechSoup and its network of over 1 million nonprofits, charities, and NGOs.
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Making An Impact, Together

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Special donations in response to Covid-19

In difficult times, the world turns to civil society for support. At TechSoup, we're committed to equipping your nonprofit with the technology resources you need to meet your mission, serve your community, and support your staff.

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About TechSoup

Nonprofit TechSoup serves other nonprofits worldwide with mission-critical resources, knowledge, and connections.

TechSoup helps foundations and corporations optimize their philanthropic programs and increase their social impact.

Countries and territories reached
Languages supported
Nonprofits, charities, and libraries served
In technology and financial resources delivered


Starter Subscriptions


Outreach on TechSoup

Opportunities to connect with a global nonprofit community


Global validations

Eligibility data from 236 countries and territories emailed to your team


Workflow integration

Validation portal integrated with your nonprofit customer experience

Packages Starter Impact Scale
Validations per year 100 200 500
Annual subscription $1,850 $3,650 $9,000
One-time setup fee: $1,000

Eligibility Support Add-ons

Support eligibility requirements for nonprofit types you prioritize, each for an additional 10 percent of the price of an annual subscription.
  • Receive eligibility results with validation, based on nonprofit activity and country.
  • Receive eligibility-related data, including primary activity and organization mission.

Custom Solutions

Custom plans, leveraging our API solution, to connect and validate with thousands of NGOs and charities annually

Support higher volumes

Custom plans for 500 to 50,000 validations annually


API-driven solutions

Leverage our solution APIs to integrate validation into your customer experience


Target key country markets

Scale your social impact program to select countries and regions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can TechSoup promote my donation or discount at the TechSoup marketplace?

Yes, any charitable donation or discount can be promoted to the more than 1 million nonprofit organizations in the TechSoup global community that access offers in our e-commerce marketplace.

What are TechSoup’s nonprofit / NGO validation requirements in 236 countries and territories?

Organizations are validated according to local validation criteria defined by TechSoup, based on local country law, that enables all of our social impact, corporate, and foundation clients to validate and give to valid nonprofit organizations.

How does TechSoup validate a nonprofit and its representative agent?

During the validation process, the nonprofit may be asked to share appropriate documents with TechSoup and its international nonprofit partners. Validation may also include verifying that the agent is reasonably qualified to represent the organization. Agent validation provides reasonable assurance that an account’s user is an authorized representative of the registering organization. TechSoup’s international validation partners also review the organization’s mission and primary activities and categorize the organization accordingly.

How would my social impact program integrate TechSoup validations into my nonprofit sales process?

During the steps the nonprofit takes to request your donation or discount, TechSoup will provide a link that you can send or share for the nonprofit to get validated. After validation, TechSoup can send the validation and eligibility results by email or by API. TechSoup will work with you to set up a user experience flow so that after validation, the nonprofit can proceed to purchase or access your offer.

What are nonprofit activity codes and how do they work?

The validation process includes reviewing the organization’s mission and primary activities and categorizing the organization under a TechSoup activity code.

How does TechSoup support my eligibility requirements, or if I want to target a type of nonprofit with an issue focus?

These international activity codes reflect the nonprofit’s primary activity and can be used to target or filter for nonprofits that have a particular mission or issue focus, such as a UN sustainable development goal (SDG). We encourage you to offer your donation to all nonprofits, but you can exclude based on key data including activity code, country, or annual budget if needed.

How do the pricing packages work?

The special starter pricing is an annual subscription for one validation pricing rate, for all countries, of up to $10,000 worth of validations a year. Unused validation credit can roll over to the second year. You can adjust the subscription level as needed, and if you need to validate at a higher volume, we will customize a program to meet your needs. These program fees will also cover ongoing outreach of your offer to our global marketplace, and ongoing support and advice for your social impact program.

What are the charitability requirements for an offer?

As TechSoup is a nonprofit helping other nonprofits, the donation and discount offers that we promote must be charitable. Most nonprofits can afford little, and we ask that you donate or discount as much as possible. If the company can only afford a discount initially, TechSoup recommends an exclusive nonprofit offer that starts at least 50 percent off a two-year subscription or total costs.We can advise how a donation or discount can be customized based on the most efficient ways to leverage commercial pricing. Other aspects of your offer can contribute to this charitability, including discounted or pro bono setup or support and educational content that will help the nonprofit improve in the subject area.

Do you validate social enterprises? Or schools? Or governmental organizations?

Currently, we validate organizations formed as nonprofits, charities, or NGOs based on local law in 236 countries and territories. In some instances, a school or social enterprise may fall within this framework if it is established locally as an NGO. However, our current service only includes those schools or social enterprises that independently meet our NGO criteria. Government organizations typically fall outside the NGO framework, although there are occasional exceptions for government-created organizations that operate independently of government control. We are also exploring pilot programs to serve non-NGO schools and social enterprises in some jurisdictions.

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