
Has Your Library Joined TechSoup Yet?


More than 7,000 Libraries Already Work With TechSoup

For over 30 years, TechSoup has been a leader in helping libraries and nonprofits to find affordable, digital tools to accomplish their mission. Joining us is free.  

Accessible Tech - Piggy Bank Image

Software and Hardware

We work with the philanthropy departments of major technology companies to provide nonprofits and libraries with access to software and hardware at significant savings.

We work with major brands like Adobe, Intuit, Box, DocuSign, Zoom and many more.  View catalog

TechSoup also carries new and refurbished laptops and desktops, mobile hotspots, projectors, networking gear and more from brands like Mobile Beacon, Dell, Lenovo, Linksys, and Cisco. View hardware 

Essential Services - Headphone Image

Help Desk and Managed IT

Printer issues, slow hard drives, bad internet connections, misconfigured software - there's no end to the daily challenges of using technology. Our paid Help Desk service can solve those annoying one-off problems and get your nonprofit up and running again.

A more robust, long term approach is TechSoup's Managed IT service to help overloaded IT staff to manage the long-term demands of complex hardware and software environments, preventing costly problems from happening by planning ahead.

Cloud Made Easy

Cloud Implementation Services

The cloud can offer nonprofits tremendous benefits in terms of file storage, collaboration, record-keeping and redundancy. But selecting and implementing the right cloud solution for your nonprofit can seem overwhelming.

TechSoup can support nonprofits with implementation services for Office 365, Windows Azure, Box Storage, Tableau, VoIP, cloud databases and much more.

TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social enterprise. We understand the unique role libraries play in our communities by enabling the free flow of knowledge. 

Joining us is free.


TechSoup Partners

Our philanthropic partnerships with major technology companies means we can help nonprofits access powerful tools at significant savings.

Adobe Logo
Intuit Logo
AWS Logo
Google Logo
Dell Logo
Autodesk Logo
Cisco Logo
Tableau Logo

What TechSoup Members Say


"TechSoup helps us to put our resources into our Mission by helping to cut our technology costs drastically. Thanks, TechSoup!"

— Jessica

"If you are 501c3 you need to check out TechSoup. They have saved me a few hundred dollars in just two programs. Adobe and Microsoft Office."

— Connie

"This is an amazing service! I was JUST feeling frustrated about maintaining same info in 3 databases - wishing for some consultant help... Thank you TechSoup for being here."

— Ann

"I have used multiple software and hardware products from TechSoup at three different non-profits where I have worked. Each of the non-profits were small with limited budgets so the normal retail costs of such things as Adobe, Intuit, and Microsoft products were prohibitive...They make our Nonprofits work!"

— Kim

"What a difference technology makes! ...we are grateful to Tech Soup and to all of the participating donors who make their products available at such reasonable costs. Communication is at the heart of our work with incarcerated women and those reentering the community after prison. We would not be able to keep up with the rapid pace of ICT without you! Thank you!"

— Theresa

"There are many of us who run a non-profit or volunteer at one and do not receive any type of compensation... When we need a new computer, replacement software - whatever... TECHSOUP is our answer and a Godsend to us!!!! Whatever you order - it is delivered to you almost immediately! Keep going strong Techsoup!!!"

— Debbi